How to poach eggs

Poaching eggs is a skill, quickly disappearing from the kitchens of the world, thanks to these terrible herd patent, the amoeba produce something with the look and texture of a plastic material.

I am not exaggerating when I say that is a skill. Poaching an egg so that it retains its shape and texture is something that many chefs, let alone home cooks, too, never quite learned. It requires some attention and a high level of commitment. They are I think this is much ado about something sometimes go out to eat on toast, I would just point out that the eggs cooked in this way have used many others.

For example, they make great salads, are excellent with salmon, perfect with steak with hollandaise sauce, and then one of the classic dishes of the world, the eggs Benedict. There are two basic methods of cooking them, which work perfectly. I'm going to both, but first a word aboutEggs>. You must be very fresh and should be at room temperature.

The eggs directly from the refrigerator, not a good cook, no matter what you use, and last for some time to melt. At least two hours, in fact, so plan ahead and leave the kitchen for at least this time before using them.

Method 1

In a saucepan, bring about 10 cm (4 inches) of water to a boil and add a teaspoon of salt and a spoonwhite vinegar. This can be of any type, including wine vinegar. Its purpose is to help hold the whites together.

Break an egg into a small cup or saucer. With a wooden spoon, stir the water in the pot until you get a whirlpool effect and then carefully pour the egg in half. Formed immediately in an oval shape. Cook for 6-8 minutes a slotted spoon and transfer it to water, a bowl of cold .*


This is so even if the top is that I take away my eggs at the home of my favorite if I'm just cooking a few - say two at most.

It requires two pans, a pot and a deep pan, plus a wire basket or steam that fits completely inside the pot. You'll see why in a minute. Half fill the pot with water and bring it boil. Do not add salt or vinegar or something else, maybe the taste of eggs.

Place the eggspoach it in the lower basket and do everything in boiling water. Leave it there for exactly 10 seconds and pull it out. What this does is cause the eggs to thicken the white light, so stay together, if you crack eggs.

approximately 2.5cms (1 inch) from the hot baking pan and put it in low heat Pour. Do you want to boil it. Store the remaining water if you plan to serve the eggs immediately.The eggs in the pan and cook until the egg whites together. You will see that they hold together very well and spread over the whole bottom of the pan.

Transfer to a bowl of cold water as before .*

* Why is the bowl of cold water?
It allows you to cook the eggs as many as you need to run around the time you have not. You can keep the eggs in water that night in the refrigerator if necessary. It will not bedeteriorate and may be revived only pick up to take it with a slotted spoon and immerse in boiling water for a few seconds.

You can also drained and served cold in salads with mayonnaise or could be in hot broth for an Asian-style soup.

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