If your meal Bites Back: Tips for preventing food poisoning

All over the world have food-borne diseases and more frequently. In the U.S. alone, millions of people get a foodborne illness each year.
"Even the healthiest foods that a person can become ill if not treated, cooked or preserved properly," says Dr. Robert Berkow, editor in chief of your health today a health magazine for the global pharmaceutical company Merck & Co., Inc. . Here are some tips on how to avoid getting sick:
* Always wash hands before touching food.Diseases are easily transmitted from person to person through food. Wash your hands before handling fruits, vegetables and other foods helps to keep any bacteria that can kill the person be transferred by hand to the food.
* When handling raw meat, poultry or pork, always cleaned thoroughly.
Not only wash their hands, but also the surfaces of cutting boards, floors and utensils that are used. The bacteria known as salmonella spreads easily on surfaces that come into contact with rawMeat.
* Avoid eating undercooked foods. Heated increasing beef, chicken and fish or the possibility of a person of Salmonella, E. coli, another type of bacteria. This can cause fever, cramps, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
* Do not eat foods that contain raw eggs. Raw eggs with salmonella, which can be killed by cooking to be contaminated. During cooking, always throw the eggs away cracked or dirty.
* Avoid drinking unpasteurized fruit juices. The pasteurization processkills bacteria such as E. coli.
* Avoid foods that are filled to the brim, or cans that are dented or cracked. Cover should not lose or swollen. Check the dates of "selling" and "use by". Avoid foods that expire immediately after purchase and will never buy food obsolete.
* Properly store and refrigerate food, when they are brought home. Cooked foods should not be left to stand at room temperature for a long time before serving, and leftovers should be refrigerated within two hours.
* IfIf in doubt, throw it away. If you are not sure whether the remains are safe to eat, then throw in the trash.

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