While the eggs are usually consumed safely in the small chance that carry the human body, causing disease. When an egg contains bacteria, you can easily risk of a disease from which cooling properly and the kitchen is done. A bacterium that could lead to a Salmonella Enteritidis egg, that is, apart from other types of microorganisms that may be with the dirt on the shell. Normally the eggs are washed andappropriate to make them safe. To be sure, lay eggs that are dirty, cracked, broken or leaking. Opening up an egg, you can connect the bacteria in their nutrient loads yolk and grow there.
How do you know that it causes a disease caused by Salmonella suffering? Symptoms of salmonella poisoning are abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, headache and fever. Healthy people can relax after a day or two, but children, pregnant women, the elderly and who are sick, you can suffer serious complications of salmonellosis.
They have farm plans to start a poultry farm, be aware that if the egg industry is subject to strict quality control procedures and sanitary practices during egg production, processing and preparation of market to ensure that eggs go, they are free from salmonella. One of the ways the industry is busy Bio-safety, not only in the wash with eggs, but also the structure,> Production of eggs. In addition, transportation egg stored at low temperature after packaging and delivery to prevent the proliferation of Salmonella in the rare cases in the batch of eggs.
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