Cooking-some instructions for the muffins!

Child cooking activity includes a lot of fun in the kitchen. Cooking with children opens its doors to learning opportunities such as mathematics, science and nutrition, with the result of eating something delicious. There are many simple recipes to use when cooking with children. Why kids love peanut butter and jelly, I talked about this peanut butter and jelly muffin recipe to try with your child.
Before commencing a review activity cooking some advice on health and safety for children. It isimportant to wash your hands before, during and after handling food with. This reduces the food-borne bacteria (germs) are mixed with the food they eat to be transferred. Review safety tips on using knives, appliances such as blenders and mixers and cooking basic rules, like not running, or for more information, visit involved in an accident during this activities. Enter to wear aprons for children and commit all long hair from her face.
Now you canwilling to start a kitchen with the baby. Choose to start a simple recipe and go over the recipe with the child or group. All set for the cookware you need. This is a perfect time to review math concepts such as measurement, fractions, time and temperature. You can also discuss scientific concepts, such as certain ingredients such as baking powder, baking soda, for more information, visit and proteins may alter the propertiesFood.
These peanut butter and jelly muffins are a wonderful snack, breakfast and school lunch box treat voice.
The instruments are necessary to accomplish this task of cooking the child:
* Mixing bowls of small, medium and large
* One to two spatula or large spoon
* Measuring spoons
* Dry-ingredient measuring cup
* Liquid measuring cup
* Muffin Pans
The ingredients are needed:
* 2 cups flour
* ½ cup sugar
* ¼ teaspoon salt
* 1 package yeastPowder
* ½ cup peanut butter
* 1 cup milk
* 1 egg
* 2 tablespoons melted butter
* 1 / 3 cup jam (any flavor)
Instructions to make your muffins:
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and spray muffin tins with nonstick cooking spray.
2. Mix flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a bowl. Set aside.
3. In another bowl, mix together milk, peanut butter, eggs and melted butter.
4. Add dry ingredients and mix until the flourdisappears. Do not mix too much or the muffins will be tough.
5. Fill the muffin wells pot half full of dough. Top each with ½ teaspoon of jam, then spoon more batter over the top. Bake for 20 minutes or until lightly browned.
Store any remaining muffins in a plastic bag or a resealable container. Children have fun with cooking activities that ask you to cook all the time!

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