The most beautiful colors for Easter eggs come from food
You probably already in your kitchen.
These are the results of the colors I was pleased
tried and my friends were excited to welcome them as
Spring gifts. The colors are very unusual - gentle;
earthy, soft and very much alive, because without the hard
artificial dyes - and when I say the people are the colors
from vegetable dyes, they always want to knowSource of each
To color the eggs, cook the eggs with the dye,
Instead of boiling the eggs separately and die
Here are general guidelines:
1. First place, white shell, an organic eggs raised in
single layer in a pan. Cover with cold water.
2. Add a little 'more than a teaspoon of vinegar.
3. Add the natural dye to color you want your eggs
be. (The more eggs that are dying at a time, the dye more
You must use and use the most widely used dye, the darker
the color is.)
4. Bring bring water to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 15
5. Quickly check the eggs for color by moving
the stain with a slotted spoon.
If color is desired, pour the hot liquid and dye
Immediately rinse the eggs in cold water to stop the eggs
of> Kitchen. Driving change with the water until it is
cool in the pan, because more eggs are not released
Heat. Drain and cool the eggs in the refrigerator.
If you want a darker color, strain the hot liquid in a dye
Container, then rinse the eggs immediately in cold water
discourage cooking. Take the water with others,
It stays cool in the pot because the eggs are no longer
The release of heat.Leave the last cold water to cover, then
The eggs with the stain tense. Add more water if
necessary so that the eggs are completely covered. Put in
Refrigerator immediately and store eggs
Refrigerator until it reaches the desired color. Hotel
is good. Longer than twelve hours some of the colors
just get dull rather than deep, and the lighter shades
are alive.
Try to color, these foodsTheir eggs
Red - Pink - lots of red onion skins, cranberry juice, or
frozen raspberries.
yellow onion skins - Orange
Brown - Red beet skins or grape juice produced (a large
Sparkling tan), coffee.
Yellow - orange saffron, turmeric or cumin, or lemon peel,
or celery seed.
Green - spinach, carrot tops and peels of yellow or
Delicious for a yellow-green.
Blue - Red cabbage leaves make the most incredible
robin's-egg blue.
Deep Purple - Red wine is a beautiful burgundy color
Tips for successful results:
* Filtered or distilled water. Chlorine and other
Chemicals work against the dye, making it less intense.
Buy distilled water or filtered water with your own.
* For more intense colors, the use of multiple colors, or you can take the eggs
* For uniform coverage, the eggs in a pot large enough to cook keep
enough waterdye and completely cover the eggs, even
after a while, 'liquid evaporated during 15 minutes
* For uniform coverage, if you continue to bathe the eggs
in the refrigerator after cooking, make sure that the eggs
completely covered with the stain.
* Blot the eggs dry or allow to air dry, since for some
The colors of the dye is still wet, and rub. On the other" title="hand">hand" title="hand">hand, if youa white pattern on the egg,
may remove some of the dye for some colors immediately
after cooking.
* Make sure eggs are completely dry in various colors
Before piling into a bowl together, as wet dye from
an egg, a further move.
Read more about natural dyes for Easter eggs in
[HTTP: / / / food / aboutcoloringeggs.html].
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