Why Girls Buy a Pink Fridge

Pink is very much a female colour either through biological programming in the genes or from cultural norms set out by our society. Associated with the colour from a young age, it is something that females continue to like and appreciate as they get older.

Girls are fond of displaying the pink colour to show femininity especially to act like a 'girly girl', the term used to describe girls acting and behaving in a traditionally feminine style in terms of dress, behaviour or processions.

The colour pink is intricately linked with love and the heart, has an association with emotions, especially ones of attraction, love, and desire, all quite naturally feminine characteristics.

Since pink is a feminine colour many girls have items that are coloured pink, be a radio, phone, or a mp3 player. It logically follows that in a female orientated home many girls naturally choose a fridge that is pink in colour to express their natural personality.

If you are looking to make your home all girly and feminine, a pink fridge would be a great item to have. Feminine sexuality can also be expressed through the colour pink and by extension a fridge of this colour and finish.

A Pink fridge can be complemented with other things to express female sexuality in classy and graceful manner as its the colour of pouty lips, pink nipples and sensual organs of the body. Since sexuality is a taboo subject with extremes in interpretation, the colour pink can used to tastefully display sexuality while showing grace, style and poise.

Many girls choose a pink fridge or a pink fridge freezer knowing that it has all the functionalities of a conventional fridge and works just as well.

There is a variety of fridges of this colour around to suit the needs of different people. Like any other fridges, when buying a pink fridge one should give considerations to important points such as:

- capacity necessary for the types of foods that need to be stored.
- energy ratings to choose exactly how efficient your fridge will be and how much electricity it will used thus able to control prices paid for energy consumption.
- climatic class to ensure your fridge will operate properly in the environment it is located.
- freezer stars ratings to determine the length of time food can be kept frozen.
- the presence of anti-bacterial coatings to prevent cross contamination to make the inside of the appliance a more hygienic area to chill your foods
- the availability of auto defrost feature to eliminate the build up of ice and food inside the refrigerator.

Given a pink fridge works just as well as any other fridge, magnetism of the colour draws girls to choose a pink fridge. Coupled with other items, or even on its own, as its a relatively large size, it allows the expression of a girls' personality with ease.

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