Bulgaria is a Balkan country in southeastern Europe. The country has a unique cuisine, influenced by native culture Slavic, Bulgaria, and combines the influences of the cuisines of neighboring countries, Greece and Turkey. In addition, some people say that other influences seen in the Bulgarian national cuisine - as influences Italian and Mediterranean influences as Hungarian.
Some Bulgarian reciopes popular are:
* shopska Salad - This is atraditional Bulgarian salad with diced vegetables. In general, cucumbers, onions, peppers (fried or ITA), and tomatoes. It 'usually chopped or grated with sirens (Bulgarian white cheese similar to feta in some way) filled.
* Shkembi chorba - This is a traditional Bulgarian tripe soup. Some people consider a national treasure, while for others it is rude or vulgar. The soup is the stomach lining of a cow for milk, vinegar, garlic and chillipeppers.
Tarator * - This is a cold soup, served cold or with ice. Contains oil of cucumber, yogurt and dried fruits, and vegetables or water. And 'seasoned with garlic and dill.
* Soujouk - A spicy beef sausage. It contains a fairly high in fat and can therefore in its own juice with no added oil to cook.
* Sarma - A leaf rolled with meat, rice and onions.
* Selska turshiya, Tsarsko turshiya - Combinations of pickledVegetables.
* Gyuvetch - A stew of beef and vegetables.
* Garash - a walnut cake with cream and dark chocolate icing and then covered with chocolate frosting.
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